9 Cool Hunting Knives For Cool Hunters in 2021

A hunter needs to carry a lot of tools. One of his essential supplies is a knife. Hunting knives have to be deadly strong and must be easy to carry. There are some cool knives that hunters should carry. These knives are easier to carry and are not as large as you expect. In addition, these knives have extremely sturdy blades and ergonomic handles. We have enlisted those cool hunting knives below. Explore the list to choose your knife! 

1. Skinning Knife

A skinning knife is one of the basic hunting knives. It is meant to be used for skinning and field dressing purposes. It often features a gut hook blade which is a type of blade that eases skinning. It can easily remove skin off a deer. So, it must be on your list of hunting supplies. 

2. Fillet Knife

A fillet knife is a cool hunting knife often used by fishermen. It has a long and thin blade and is used for filleting fish. Filleting means to cut fish into pieces and this knife is ideal for this purpose. Every fisherman or hunter needs such a knife. 

3. Survival Knife

A survival knife is a knife meant to be used for survival purposes. It is a knife with some tactical features which make it easy to carry for hunters. For instance, it may have a pocket clip. Also, it can have a fire starter which helps start fire. Excellent knife for survival. 

4. Machete Knife

A machete knife is one of our cool hunting knives as well. It is a large knife with a massive blade. It is mainly used for cutting meat and is often seen in the hands of butchers. It is such a powerful knife which can also be used for some heavy duty cutting work. 

5. Bowie Knife

A bowie knife is an incredible knife created back in 1917 for a fighter known as Jim Bowie. This fighting knife has the blade strength to be used for hunting. It has a large and strong blade and can be ideal in skinning and filleting. 

6. Military Knife

A military knife is another fixed blade knife you can use for hunting. It has a very powerful blade and an ergonomic handle. You can expect military knives to be the strongest ones. So, if you want to carry a very strong knife for hunting, this is your knife. 

7. Brass Knuckle Knife

A brass knuckle knife is an incredible hunting and survival knife. It has a powerful blade attached to the knuckles. There is a knuckle duster that allows the hunters to wear the knife. So, it becomes very easy to carry. Also, there is a strong blade to do the hunting work. 

8. Pocket Knife

A pocket knife is one of the cool hunting knives as well. You may think it is an EDC knife. Yes, the blade is small but has the strength to be your powerful hunting knife. It can be used for skinning, filleting, cutting meat and everything involved in hunting. 

9. Balisong Knife

A balisong knife is an interesting choice for hunters. However, it can be a very useful knife for them. It is easy to carry and has a very sturdy and powerful blade. It has two handles and one blade. The handles can be folded and closed together to conceal the blade.


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